online membership application form

If you want to apply for membership, please fill in the fields below. Read the following information as well. Please!


Important to know: By joining the sports club you are entering into an ongoing contract. You may leave the club and cancel your membership, if you don't like to play any longer, or if you are seriously injured, ... or because you are moving out of Berlin or because you don't have time any longer for family reasons or whatsoever. The process is very simple. We do not have formal requirements like registered letter or a certain form. A simple letter, an email, a message (whatsapp to the president) or even a personal talk to the club president or vice president is sufficient. But nevertheless even this has to be done. We will continue to debit the membership fees from your bank account, until we get to know, that you will cancel your membership. 

You may cancel your membership at the end of every quarter, 31.3., 30.6., 30.9., or 31.12. with a notice period of 4 weeks.

E.g., if you want or have to leave the club by 1.4.20xx, please tell us until end of February, etc.


Notes: We are required by the state sports organisation LSB to collect various statistical data, such as age or family status.  However, this data is only passed on anonymously. We need further data such as job or training status or marital status to determine the amount of membership fees. If you do not want to enter anything private here, just enter or choose "secret". However ... to be able to determine the entitlement to a discount you have to prove the status "pupil", "student", "ALG", "unemployed", "intern" "work student" or "pensioner". You have to upload an appropriate document or send it by email (see below) or show it to one of the directors of the club.

For keeping the status with the right to get a membership fee discount you may be asked again during the next years.


Entering a mobile phone number to enable a contact possibility via Whatsapp, or Signal is not mandatory, but very helpful. In this case you allow us to send you information about gym closings, training opportunities or time changes via messenger.


The application for membership is valid without your signature. However, we check the authenticity of the application through personal contact. The revocation is easily possible within 14 days of sending it, by simply sending an email or a text message via messenger or sms, or personally to the association's board.


The association reserves the right not to accept members temporarily, or at all. This is mainly due to the fact that we cannot accept all those willing to play as long as we cannot offer enough capacity. If this is the case, we will inform you that we will put you on a waiting list for the time being.

Note on payments / SEPA direct debit: If you change your bank details or if your account does not have the required funds please inform the club immediately. If a direct debit is not redeemed, the club will incur additional costs of approx. € 9,00 which we have to invoice you in such a case. To avoid such expenses please inform the club immediately in the event of an account change, insufficient funds or a blocked account. Thank you!

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

IMPORTANT  is your picture !

Additional requirements: please upload your portrait photo, or send it to this mail address.

Your photo will not be used public. And nobody except the administration board has access to this data. 


And if you want to claim the reduced membership fee for you: please upload or send a corresponding document, which proves that you are entitled to get the reduction (Student ID, or under 18, or retired worker, or internship, or jobless (ALG II).


Another way: per Whatsapp message (or telegram, or signal, to this Mobile phone no. +49-172-30080(six)(one)    (Henrik).

Please store this mobile phone number anyway, you might need it in the future. replace (six)(one) by digits.

You will find all relevant documents such as the association's statutes, fee schedule ("price list") and forms here.